Hiking the Quiraing trail on the Isle of Skye, Scotland

Walk date: April, 2022

I spent 3 weeks traveling around Scotland in April, 2022. The first week was on the Isle of Skye, followed by a ferry crossing to the Island of Lewis, and finally traveling up the west coast to end with a week in Thurso, 20 miles from the northeastern tip of the British mainland.

The start of the trail, and the windy drive back down.

This first post will cover a stunning hike along the Quiraing on the Isle of Skye. The 2D photographs do not do it justice, as this trail winds around the edge of harsh rocks, a path a couple of feet wide dropping steeply down the edge of the hillside. At points requiring small sections of clambering over rocky outcrops, and stomach-lurching glimpses out of the corner of your eye at the fields far below. Hopefully, the VR gallery should help you to experience the true feeling of walking this route!

A narrow path along a sheer drop.

I’m not sure how long the trail goes, I made it up a steep bank of loose rocks and round to an overhanging boulder. When I slipped when jumping a small gap in the path that essentially dropped off the edge of a cliff just after this point I decided to turn back!

Clouds shroud the rocky faces at the peak.

For a helpful guide on navigating the images in the gallery, please see the tips pinned to the left-hand side, or follow the link to the How To page. The gallery contains 15 images and will loop when you get to the end. Please click the image below to enjoy the VR experience:

The windy gravel path of the Quiraing trail
VR Gallery – The Quiraing Trail

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